The issuer of cryptodollar (CR$) has called on Elon Musk to help white population with his sperm

The issuer of cryptodollar (CR$), a company focused on global innovation and social responsibility, has made a bold proposal to address global demographic challenges.

As we have known from the news, Elon Musk has even offered his own sperm to friends and acquaintances, including the former independent vice-presidential candidate Nicole Shanahan. He is very concerned about the world’s population problems.

The biomaterial will be delivered to the sperm banks of those countries where the white population is on the decline.

The cryptodollar (CR$) issuer is prepared to cover all expenses, provide Aryan race assistants for Musk and corresponding musical accompaniment, and pay him one billion CR$ annually.

Yes, it’s a symbolic reward for man who already has everything, but he deserves at least something for his hands-on contribution to humanity’s future.

Initially, we wanted to ask Musk to help developing countries, where the population is predominantly non-white. But in light of recent events, we are not sure that he would agree to do that.

The genes of the most renowned and successful entrepreneur of our time will help to make the world a better place.

The initiative aims to draw attention to the urgent need for innovative solutions to global demographic challenges, highlighting the responsibility of influential figures to inspire change.

Cryptodollar (CR$) is a blockchain-based currency designed to support global innovation. We advocate for the social responsibility of the crypto industry.

The letters were sent via official email addresses (, and X.

