The issue plan

The issue of cryptodollars involves two stages.

Stage 1: 200 billion CR$

These can be purchased directly from the issuer at a fixed price of 1 CR$ = 0.0001 USD.

Stage 2: 21,561.4 trillion CR$*

These cannot be purchased directly from the issuer but can be obtained through checks.

  • You send a US check and receive cryptodollars at a fixed rate of 1 CR$ = 1 USD.
  • We will announce the launch of the software for exchanges separately.
  • All checks are valid regardless of the date. Keep your checks safe!

The total issue of cryptodollars is always equal to the M2 measure.

  • When M2 increases, the issue of cryptodollars increases.
  • When M2 decreases, the issue of cryptodollars decreases.
  • If M2 is exceeded, the issure of cryptodollars stops.

In simple terms, M2 is a measure of the total money supply in the economy. It is considered the most representative indicator of monetary liquidity, reflecting how much money is available to businesses and consumers and, consequently, how much they can spend.

The cryptodollar’s final goal is to stimulate the US economy. The more people spend in the US, the more they receive cryptodollars.

*The calculation of M2 is conducted monthly by the U.S. Federal Reserve.