Congress Accused Of Inaction On The Obesity Epidemic, Radical Crypto Solution Proposed

The United States is facing an obesity crisis, yet Congress remains passive in the face of this growing epidemic. We reached out to Chair of the Senate HELP Committee Senator Cassidy to drive real change — without raising taxes or expanding the federal budget.

We propose a simple yet effective solution: incentivizing Americans to lose weight by paying them for gym visits. However, instead of using taxpayer dollars, we suggest using cryptocurrency. This can be done through an existing digital asset like our cryptodollar CR$ or by launching a government-backed currency — Fatcoin.

Fatcoin would be a viable financial instrument for two key reasons:

1. A U.S. government-issued cryptocurrency would naturally command strong market demand, ensuring stability and credibility.
2. With issuance tied solely to gym participation, the currency would retain scarcity, preventing inflation and maintaining its value.

This initiative would not only provide people with the motivation they need to engage in regular exercise, but it would also stimulate the fitness industry, leading to increased gym memberships nationwide. Furthermore, the cost of creating and maintaining a cryptocurrency is negligible — eliminating the need for new spending.

Yet Congress ignores this obvious solution. Maybe because it’s full of people who can’t even do a single pull-up? Looks like Congress considers obesity the new American standard. Or maybe they just want people to live shorter lives? Why waste billions on healthcare when you could just launch crypto and fix the problem without taxes?

We challenge overweight senators via X. Prove this law isn’t necessary. If you can lose 10 kg, we’ll publicly apologize.

