Bold Measures to Fight Declining Birth Rates in UK

In response to the UK’s declining birth rates the issuer of the cryptodollar (CR$) has proposed to the Prime Minister a series of innovative measures designed to encourage population growth. The proposal has been received by the Prime Minister’s Office.

Mandatory Evening Digital Blackout (10 PM to 2 AM)

Electricity and internet services, except for essential operations, would be paused during these hours. The overwhelming lure of digital life isolates people from each other. This initiative will encourage people to reconnect — or at the very least, get some much-needed rest. At best, it will contribute to population growth.

Payment for Domestic Work by Married Women

Domestic work is real work and deserves fair compensation. Married women who manage household responsibilities will be paid at the minimum wage rate for their region, with this labor recognized as contributing to their professional work record. This ensures women have financial and social security as they contribute to society in non-traditional ways.

First Date Subsidy

The state will cover the cost of a couple’s first date up to £100. Financial limitations often prevent people from meeting new partners, which in turn impacts family formation.

First Wedding Night on the State

Newlyweds will receive a complimentary luxury hotel stay worth up to £250. Celebrating marriage in style can help couples begin their family journey on a memorable note.

One-Time Cryptocurrency Grant for Young Families

Young families will receive a one-time grant in cryptodollars (CR$) or other cryptocurrencies. With the tendency of cryptocurrencies to appreciate over time, this grant will serve as a future-oriented financial support for new families.

Creation of a Ministry of Sex

If there’s more sex, there will be more children. A specialized government department focused exclusively on fostering positive attitudes toward intimacy will have a clear mandate to improve the nation’s demographic trajectory. The idea of such a ministry is already being seriously discussed at high levels in Russia, showing the growing importance of addressing the issue creatively and decisively.

Declining Birth Rates in the UK

Recent statistics highlight the urgency of addressing the UK’s declining birth rates. In 2023, there were 591,072 live births in England and Wales, marking the lowest number since 1977. The total fertility rate dropped to 1.44 children per woman, the lowest since records began in 1938. This downward trend underscores the need for proactive measures to promote family life and support population growth.

