The Issuer of Cryptodollar (CR$) Supports Senator Blackmon’s Groundbreaking Bill

The issuer of cryptodollar (CR$) expresses its full support for Senator Bradford Blackmon’s bold and visionary legislation, the “Contraception Begins at Erection Act.” This forward-thinking bill is a step toward reimagining responsible reproductive practices and initiating much-needed conversations about personal accountability.

As a gesture of our unwavering support of Mississippi’s Hands-Off Initiative, we are proud to announce that we launch the “Stop Spilling, Start Staking” programme. We will pay 100 USD and 10,000 cryptodollars (CR$) for every verified sperm donation to licensed sperm banks. This incentive stands regardless of whether such provisions are formally adopted into the senator’s bill.

We applaud Senator Blackmon for his courage and leadership, and we remain committed to fostering innovation and responsibility in all areas of human endeavor, including reproductive health.

Senator Blackmon is informed via official email (

